Carbon Credits Fund Broken Turbine

Som ett komplement till mitt inlägg A factory that makes 30 TIMES MORE MONEY by selling ”carbon credits” to fight global warming than it makes by selling it’s products., som handlade om det gigantiskt skojeri hela systemet med handel med utsläppsrätter är.

Här kommer mer av samma vara. I det här fallet är det ett vindkraftverk i Colorado som har sålt stora mängder utsläppsrätter till bl.a. det demokratiska partiet och inför deras konvent.


Så min fråga blir återigen vilka som egentligen vinner på detta system som ÖPPET inbjuder till FUSK? Och där bägge parter tjänar på detta fusk?

Se även mina inlägg om vindkraft: The Real Cost of Wind and Solar Power!Why on earth do we put up with this green extortion?All You Need To Know about Denmark and Wind PowerWho knew a ”free” source of energy – Wind Power could be so expensive?Overblown: The Real Cost of Wind Power!

Artikeln från Colorado tidningen Face The State finns här:

DNC Boondoggle: Carbon Credits Fund Broken Turbine

July 26, 2008

Face The State Staff Report

WRAY – The eastern Colorado wind turbine tapped for the Democratic National Convention’s carbon-offset program has one problem: It doesn’t generate any electricity. Convention organizers are now being questioned for their eagerness to market those credits to delegates.

The DNC has contracted with Vermont-based NativeEnergy to offer delegates ”Green challenge” carbon offsets to soften the environmental impact of convention travel. That money is then invested in carbon-free ”green” energy sources around the country, including a wind turbine installed this year by the Wray School District RD-2. But a Face The State investigation reveals the district’s turbine has never produced marketable energy due to massive equipment malfunctions.

The school district held a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the wind turbine February 15th. Officials soon discovered, however, that the turbine was incapable of producing its intended output. ”We flipped it back off and on about 10 times since then,” said Superintendent Ron Howard. ”It has run, it will run, but it won’t ramp itself up to full capacity.”

In the meantime, the project has been touted by Gov. Bill Ritter’s administration as an example of government innovation in clean energy, with district officials still attempting to reassure residents of the technology’s long-term potential. Area residents tell Face The State the blades do turn some days, even though the turbine is not producing electricity. The district Web site reads, ”As you note the blades turning evenly in the wind…this ‘dream turned into reality’ is providing an environmentally safe source of power to our community.”

In a feature story in Saturday’s Rocky Mountain News, reporter Jerd Smith claimed that 20 percent of Wray’s power is generated by what it calls ”a windmill that toils day and night producing clean electricity.” Smith’s report professed that the Wray project is ”at the heart” of the DNC’s carbon-credit program.

The Rocky report also described the school wind turbine as ”a project that generates thousands of dollars for the region’s cash-strapped schools,” but provided no financial data regarding any energy sales to date.

Howard says the turbine requires replacement equipment, which is scheduled to be installed this month. ”It’s a new technology, so they don’t have the bugs out of it,” he said. ”Since there’s so many people watching [the turbine], they might be better served to go to a more reliable model.”

State Sen. Greg Brophy, a Wray Republican, says residents feel let down by town leaders. ”Most of the people out here were very excited about it,” he said. ”But nobody likes to be misled. The ‘green’ DNC convention is an absolute sham.”

Despite the fact the wind turbine does not produce energy, that hasn’t stopped the district from cashing in on the project. In addition to the carbon credits sold to the DNC and others through NativeEnergy, Howard says the district receives downtime compensation from Americas Wind Energy, Inc., the firm that built the apparatus. ”The money that we’re making isn’t necessarily coming from production,” he said.

When asked to quantify those payments, Howard would only describe them as ”substantial.” While the details of school district contracts and finances are public information, Howard refused to disclose that information. ”I’m not going to tell you how much money we are receiving from AWE while we’re waiting for this thing to run,” he said. Face The State has since requested documents from the district under the Colorado Open Records Act.

Howard is similarly tight lipped on the district’s income from carbon offsets. ”I’m also not going to tell you how much we got from the sale of the green tax for green energy,” he said. ”That’s all there is to it.”

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4 svar to “Carbon Credits Fund Broken Turbine”

  1. NativeEnergy Says:

    Wray School District Wind Turbine Project – Update

    Sometimes ordinary people who attempt to do extraordinary things encounter unforeseen challenges. The school district in the small, rural town of Wray, CO has faced a few challenges they could not predict in developing their renewable energy project. Their wind turbine, the first large-scale wind turbine in our nation to be owned and operated commercially by a school district, was scheduled to be online by now. But a malfunctioning power converter created unavoidable delays. Replacing this component was further complicated when the U.S. distributor of the Danish-made wind turbine recently changed ownership. The malfunctioning component is now being replaced, so the turbine should be fully operational in early August. The wind turbine will generate electricity, environmental benefits, and educational opportunities, as well as reduced energy costs for the Wray School District.

    NativeEnergy’s unique forward stream model brings upfront financing to help new renewable energy projects like the Wray School District wind turbine get built. Once the project achieves commercial operation we purchase the offsets on behalf of our clients. The time period over which the offsets are generated commences after commercial operation is achieved, which, in the case of the Wray School District project will be after the component is replaced on its wind turbine.

    This situation clearly demonstrates why new renewable energy projects like this project need upfront capital – including the financing provided by NativeEnergy’s community – to overcome challenges on their path to operation. It also demonstrates that well-designed and financed community-based projects can be successfully developed, and importantly, that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.

    For more information about our methodology, detailed answers on commonly asked questions relating to carbon offsets, e.g., “How do you estimate how much CO2 pollution is reduced?”, “Are some carbon offsets better than others?”, and “What if my project breaks down?”, please visit our web site at: For our terms and conditions, please visit:

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