CIA och Bruce Schneier – Varför FRA lagen INTE KOMMER ATT FUNGERA!

(Välkommen till Stasi och KGB land – 11!)

Om vi nu för en milli, milli sekund bortser från att vår riksdag röstade för att på ”frivillig” väg avskaffar integritetsskyddet och rättsstaten för vanliga medborgare I BROTT MOT grundlagen, Europakonventionen om mänskliga fri- och rättigheter och FN: s deklaration om mänskliga rättigheter.

Och tittar på om FRA lagen VERKLIGEN KOMMER ATT FUNGERA. Ja menar skall vi offra vår integritet och rättssäkerhet för något så vill vi ju att det ÅTMINSTONE FUNGERAR SOM DET SKALL! Och att de fångar alla terrorister och detta ”yttre hot”.

Så här skrev jag i mitt inlägg Välkommen till Stasi och KGB land – 2!:

”Och det absurdaste av allt – Genom denna totala massavlyssning så kommer man inte att fånga en enda ”skurk” då man fullkomligt kommer att drunkna i all vanlig information från svenska folket. Och då spelar det ingen roll att FRA har den 5: e kraftfullaste superdatorn i världen. Och för detta offrar man alltså vår integritet och rättssäkerhet.”

(Här finns mera information om FRA:s superdator: som nu har ”halkat” ner till 11 plats med ett Rmax på 102.80 och Rpeak på 146.43).

Nå, nu behöver ni ju inte tro på mina ord så jag tänker redogöra för vad TVÅ VERKLIGA experter (som har LÅNG och PRAKTISK ERFARENHET) säger om detta.

Den ena är CIA som inte behöver någon nämnvärd introduktion. This is the REAL guys and gals i jämförelse med våra pojkscouter i SÄPO och FRA.

Den andra är Bruce Schneier, kryptolog och säkerhets guru. Som jag har haft den stora äran av att prata med och rådfråga några gånger. Det är en man som vet vad han pratar om när det gäller säkerhet och hur det FUNGERAR I PRAKTIKEN.

”Bruce Schneier is an internationally renowned security technologist and author. Described by The Economist as a ”security guru,” he is best known as a refreshingly candid and lucid security critic and commentator. When people want to know how security really works, they turn to Schneier.”

Han har också: ”Schneier has designed or co-designed several cryptographic algorithms, including the Blowfish, Twofish and MacGuffin block ciphers, the Helix and Phelix stream ciphers, and the Yarrow and Fortuna cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generators.”

Bland hans böcker kan nämnas: Applied Cryptography (som NSA försökte stoppa), Secrets and Lies och Beyond Fear.

Det här blir lite långt och lite tekniskt. Men det är nödvändigt för att visa idiotin bakom hela tanken bakom FRA lagen. Och varför DEN INTE HAR EN CHANS ATT FUNGERA.


1. CIA

CIA’s Center for the Study of Intelligence har publicerat en bok ”Psychology of Intelligence Analysis” som har använts internt på CIA för att förbättra underrättelseverksamheten och analyserna. Samt för att förstå hur människor I PRAKTIKEN analyserar information och hur de drar sina slutsatser.

Detta är ju oerhört viktigt då det i slutändan är människor på FRA som skall analysera och tolka all denna gigantiska data som skall insamlas om oss.

”The articles are based on reviewing cognitive psychology literature concerning how people process information to make judgments on incomplete and ambiguous information. I selected the experiments and findings that seem most relevant to intelligence analysis and most in need of communication to intelligence analysts.”

Chapter 9

What Are Cognitive Biases?

”Fundamental limitations in human mental processes were identified in Chapters 2 and 3. A substantial body of research in cognitive psychology and decisionmaking is based on the premise that these cognitive limitations cause people to employ various simplifying strategies and rules of thumb to ease the burden of mentally processing information to make judgments and decisions.88 These simple rules of thumb are often useful in helping us deal with complexity and ambiguity. Under many circumstances, however, they lead to predictably faulty judgments known as cognitive biases.

Cognitive biases are mental errors caused by our simplified information processing strategies. It is important to distinguish cognitive biases from other forms of bias, such as cultural bias, organizational bias, or bias that results from one’s own self-interest. In other words, a cognitive bias does not result from any emotional or intellectual predisposition toward a certain judgment, but rather from subconscious mental procedures for processing information. A cognitive bias is a mental error that is consistent and predictable. ”

Chapter 10

Biases in Evaluation of Evidence

Evaluation of evidence is a crucial step in analysis, but what evidence people rely on and how they interpret it are influenced by a variety of extraneous factors. Information presented in vivid and concrete detail often has unwarranted impact, and people tend to disregard abstract or statistical information that may have greater evidential value. We seldom take the absence of evidence into account. The human mind is also oversensitive to the consistency of the evidence, and insufficiently sensitive to the reliability of the evidence. Finally, impressions often remain even after the evidence on which they are based has been totally discredited.”

Chapter 11

Biases in Perception of Cause and Effect

”Judgments about cause and effect are necessary to explain the past, understand the present, and estimate the future. These judgments are often biased by factors over which people exercise little conscious control, and this can influence many types of judgments made by intelligence analysts. Because of a need to impose order on our environment, we seek and often believe we find causes for what are actually accidental or random phenomena. People overestimate the extent to which other countries are pursuing a coherent, coordinated, rational plan, and thus also overestimate their own ability to predict future events in those nations. People also tend to assume that causes are similar to their effects, in the sense that important or large effects must have large causes.

When inferring the causes of behavior, too much weight is accorded to personal qualities and dispositions of the actor and not enough to situational determinants of the actor’s behavior. People also overestimate their own importance as both a cause and a target of the behavior of others. Finally, people often perceive relationships that do not in fact exist, because they do not have an intuitive understanding of the kinds and amount of information needed to prove a relationship.”

Chapter 12

Biases in Estimating Probabilities

In making rough probability judgments, people commonly depend upon one of several simplified rules of thumb that greatly ease the burden of decision. Using the ”availability” rule, people judge the probability of an event by the ease with which they can imagine relevant instances of similar events or the number of such events that they can easily remember. With the ”anchoring” strategy, people pick some natural starting point for a first approximation and then adjust this figure based on the results of additional information or analysis. Typically, they do not adjust the initial judgment enough.

Expressions of probability, such as possible and probable, are a common source of ambiguity that make it easier for a reader to interpret a report as consistent with the reader’s own preconceptions. The probability of a scenario is often miscalculated. Data on ”prior probabilities” are commonly ignored unless they illuminate causal relationships.”

Chapter 13

Hindsight Biases in Evaluation of Intelligence Reporting

Evaluations of intelligence analysis–analysts’ own evaluations of their judgments as well as others’ evaluations of intelligence products–are distorted by systematic biases. As a result, analysts overestimate the quality of their analytical performance, and others underestimate the value and quality of their efforts. These biases are not simply the product of self-interest and lack of objectivity. They stem from the nature of human mental processes and are difficult and perhaps impossible to overcome.”


2. Bruce Schneier

Artikeln finns här:

March 9, 2006

Data Mining for Terrorists

In the post 9/11 world, there’s much focus on connecting the dots. Many believe that data mining is the crystal ball that will enable us to uncover future terrorist plots. But even in the most wildly optimistic projections, data mining isn’t tenable for that purpose. We’re not trading privacy for security; we’re giving up privacy and getting no security in return.

Most people first learned about data mining in November 2002, when news broke about a massive government data mining program called Total Information Awareness. The basic idea was as audacious as it was repellent: suck up as much data as possible about everyone, sift through it with massive computers, and investigate patterns that might indicate terrorist plots. Americans across the political spectrum denounced the program, and in September 2003, Congress eliminated its funding and closed its offices.

But TIA didn’t die. According to The National Journal, it just changed its name and moved inside the Defense Department.

This shouldn’t be a surprise. In May 2004, the General Accounting Office published a report that listed 122 different federal government data mining programs that used people’s personal information. This list didn’t include classified programs, like the NSA’s eavesdropping effort, or state-run programs like MATRIX.

The promise of data mining is compelling, and convinces many. But it’s wrong. We’re not going to find terrorist plots through systems like this, and we’re going to waste valuable resources chasing down false alarms. To understand why, we have to look at the economics of the system.

Security is always a trade-off, and for a system to be worthwhile, the advantages have to be greater than the disadvantages. A national security data mining program is going to find some percentage of real attacks, and some percentage of false alarms. If the benefits of finding and stopping those attacks outweigh the cost — in money, liberties, etc. — then the system is a good one. If not, then you’d be better off spending that cost elsewhere.

Data mining works best when there’s a well-defined profile you’re searching for, a reasonable number of attacks per year, and a low cost of false alarms. Credit card fraud is one of data mining’s success stories: all credit card companies data mine their transaction databases, looking for spending patterns that indicate a stolen card. Many credit card thieves share a pattern — purchase expensive luxury goods, purchase things that can be easily fenced, etc. — and data mining systems can minimize the losses in many cases by shutting down the card. In addition, the cost of false alarms is only a phone call to the cardholder asking him to verify a couple of purchases. The cardholders don’t even resent these phone calls — as long as they’re infrequent — so the cost is just a few minutes of operator time.

Terrorist plots are different. There is no well-defined profile, and attacks are very rare. Taken together, these facts mean that data mining systems won’t uncover any terrorist plots until they are very accurate, and that even very accurate systems will be so flooded with false alarms that they will be useless.

All data mining systems fail in two different ways: false positives and false negatives. A false positive is when the system identifies a terrorist plot that really isn’t one. A false negative is when the system misses an actual terrorist plot. Depending on how you ”tune” your detection algorithms, you can err on one side or the other: you can increase the number of false positives to ensure that you are less likely to miss an actual terrorist plot, or you can reduce the number of false positives at the expense of missing terrorist plots.

To reduce both those numbers, you need a well-defined profile. And that’s a problem when it comes to terrorism. In hindsight, it was really easy to connect the 9/11 dots and point to the warning signs, but it’s much harder before the fact. Certainly, there are common warning signs that many terrorist plots share, but each is unique, as well. The better you can define what you’re looking for, the better your results will be. Data mining for terrorist plots is going to be sloppy, and it’s going to be hard to find anything useful.

Data mining is like searching for a needle in a haystack. There are 900 million credit cards in circulation in the United States. According to the FTC September 2003 Identity Theft Survey Report, about 1% (10 million) cards are stolen and fraudulently used each year. Terrorism is different. There are trillions of connections between people and events — things that the data mining system will have to ”look at” — and very few plots. This rarity makes even accurate identification systems useless.

Let’s look at some numbers. We’ll be optimistic. We’ll assume the system has a 1 in 100 false positive rate (99% accurate), and a 1 in 1,000 false negative rate (99.9% accurate).

Assume one trillion possible indicators to sift through: that’s about ten events — e-mails, phone calls, purchases, web surfings, whatever — per person in the U.S. per day. Also assume that 10 of them are actually terrorists plotting.

This unrealistically-accurate system will generate one billion false alarms for every real terrorist plot it uncovers. Every day of every year, the police will have to investigate 27 million potential plots in order to find the one real terrorist plot per month. Raise that false-positive accuracy to an absurd 99.9999% and you’re still chasing 2,750 false alarms per day — but that will inevitably raise your false negatives, and you’re going to miss some of those ten real plots.

This isn’t anything new. In statistics, it’s called the ”base rate fallacy,” and it applies in other domains as well. For example, even highly accurate medical tests are useless as diagnostic tools if the incidence of the disease is rare in the general population. Terrorist attacks are also rare, any ”test” is going to result in an endless stream of false alarms.

This is exactly the sort of thing we saw with the NSA’s eavesdropping program: the New York Times reported that the computers spat out thousands of tips per month. Every one of them turned out to be a false alarm.

And the cost was enormous: not just the cost of the FBI agents running around chasing dead-end leads instead of doing things that might actually make us safer, but also the cost in civil liberties. The fundamental freedoms that make our country the envy of the world are valuable, and not something that we should throw away lightly.

Data mining can work. It helps Visa keep the costs of fraud down, just as it helps show me books that I might want to buy, and Google show me advertising I’m more likely to be interested in. But these are all instances where the cost of false positives is low — a phone call from a Visa operator, or an uninteresting ad — and in systems that have value even if there is a high number of false negatives.

Finding terrorism plots is not a problem that lends itself to data mining. It’s a needle-in-a-haystack problem, and throwing more hay on the pile doesn’t make that problem any easier. We’d be far better off putting people in charge of investigating potential plots and letting them direct the computers, instead of putting the computers in charge and letting them decide who should be investigated.

Läs även andra bloggares åsikter om <a href=”” rel=”tag”>fri- och rättigheter</a>, <a href=”” rel=”tag”>yttrandefrihet</a>,<a href=”” rel=”tag”>fra</a>


8 svar to “CIA och Bruce Schneier – Varför FRA lagen INTE KOMMER ATT FUNGERA!”

  1. swenson Says:

    Följande har jag idag lagt in på Carl Bildts blogg

    eftersom jag anser att de uppgifter som kommer fram här på denna utmärkta journalistiskt grävande blogg är något som utrikesministern bör ha med i bakhuvudet när han diskuterar FRA-lagen med sina västerländska motparter. Saken har ju väckt uppmärksamhet utomlands vilket framgår inte minst av Expressen. Till detta kommer att mer 6 miljoner svenskar utnyttjat Expressens formulär för att påminna riksdagmän om det folkliga missnöjet. En utrikesminister bör intressera sig för denna fråga liksom alla somläser hans blogg.

    swenson Säger:
    juli 7, 2008 kl. 8:30 är

    CIA och Bruce Schneier – Varför FRA lagen INTE KOMMER ATT FUNGERA!

    Som stark motståndare till den föreliggande FRA-lagen, inte motståndare mot signalspaning, anser jag att samtliga statstråd i Alliansregeringen – och också företrädarna för oppositionen – måste ta sig tid att sätta sig in i litet detaljer när det gäller den förestående nu lagligt möjliga totala genomlysningen av alla svenskars kommunikationer.

    Citatet nedan visar att inte ens amerikanska myndigheter har lyckats i sin “signalspaning” med att få fast terrorister. Hur skall då Sverige kunna lyckas? Varför skall den personliga integriteten sättas på spel för alla svenskar när det bevisligen inte leder till förväntade resultat utan bara kostnader och förakt för Alliansens metoder att tvinga igenom en grundlagsvidrig lag. I stora drag håller jag helt med advokatsamfundet i deras åsikter om FRA-lagen och behovet av både en sanningskommission och en författningsdomstol.

    “Let’s look at some numbers. We’ll be optimistic. We’ll assume the system has a 1 in 100 false positive rate (99% accurate), and a 1 in 1,000 false negative rate (99.9% accurate).

    Assume one trillion possible indicators to sift through: that’s about ten events — e-mails, phone calls, purchases, web surfings, whatever — per person in the U.S. per day. Also assume that 10 of them are actually terrorists plotting.

    This unrealistically-accurate system will generate one billion false alarms for every real terrorist plot it uncovers. Every day of every year, the police will have to investigate 27 million potential plots in order to find the one real terrorist plot per month. Raise that false-positive accuracy to an absurd 99.9999% and you’re still chasing 2,750 false alarms per day — but that will inevitably raise your false negatives, and you’re going to miss some of those ten real plots.

    This isn’t anything new. In statistics, it’s called the “base rate fallacy,” and it applies in other domains as well. For example, even highly accurate medical tests are useless as diagnostic tools if the incidence of the disease is rare in the general population. Terrorist attacks are also rare, any “test” is going to result in an endless stream of false alarms.

    This is exactly the sort of thing we saw with the NSA’s eavesdropping program: the New York Times reported that the computers spat out thousands of tips per month. Every one of them turned out to be a false alarm.

    And the cost was enormous: not just the cost of the FBI agents running around chasing dead-end leads instead of doing things that might actually make us safer, but also the cost in civil liberties. The fundamental freedoms that make our country the envy of the world are valuable, and not something that we should throw away lightly.”

    Hela den mycket läsvärda artikeln finner den intresserade på

  2. Välkommen till Stasi och KGB land - 13! « UD/RK Samhälls Debatt Says:

    […] till Stasi och KGB land – 13! Som ett komplement till mitt inlägg CIA och Bruce Schneier – Varför FRA lagen INTE KOMMER ATT FUNGERA! kommer här Leif GW Persson’s kommentarer kring det hela. Han har ju en viss erfarenhet på […]

  3. Jens O. » Blog Archive » FRA-lagen fungerar inte Says:

    […] Varför lagen inte fungerar. […]

  4. Välkommen till Stasi och KGB land - 44! « UD/RK Samhälls Debatt Says:

    […] Se även mitt inlägg om varför FRA lagen INTE kommer att fungera enligt CIA och  Bruce Schneier, kryptolog och säkerhets guru CIA och Bruce Schneier – Varför FRA lagen INTE KOMMER ATT FUNGERA! […]

  5. Välkommen till Stasi och KGB land - 46! « UD/RK Samhälls Debatt Says:

    […] Välkommen till Stasi och KGB land – 46! Som ett komplement till mitt inlägg om varför FRA lagen INTE kommer att fungera enligt CIA och  Bruce Schneier, kryptolog och säkerhets guru CIA och Bruce Schneier – Varför FRA lagen INTE KOMMER ATT FUNGERA. […]

  6. Välkommen till Stasi och KGB land DAG 47 – Björck avgår i protest mot FRA lagen « UD/RK Samhälls Debatt Says:

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  7. Välkommen till Stasi och KGB land DAG 280 – Är våra riksdagspolitiker hjärndöda? « UD/RK Samhälls Debatt Says:

    […] CIA och Bruce Schneier – Varför FRA lagen INTE KOMMER ATT FUNGERA! […]

  8. The sorry state of freedom and privacy in the west | UD/RK Samhälls Debatt Says:

    […] wrote about this in 2008 (see my post;), where I among other things quoted CIA itself (their book ”Psychology of Intelligence […]

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