Archive for november, 2011

October U.S. Temperature trend/decade – It is getting cooler and cooler

22 november, 2011

As usual and as a complement to my previous post October U.S. Temperature – The trend is 0.03 deg F / Decade, I thought it would be interesting to look at the recent October US temperature from a “historic” perspective. To see how the decade trends have evolved during the last 111 years.

Especially to see how the decade trends have evolved during the last 31 years. The period that according to the Global Warming Hysterics and computer models they worship should show a steady and accelerated increase in temperature.

And as I always point out:

Remember, these are the official figures. With the poor placement of stations (91 % of the stations are CRN 3 to 5 = bad to very poor); where they have purposely taken away the urban heat island effect, use huge smoothing radius, the historical “adjustment and tweaking” to cool the past etc.

Not to mention the great slaughter of GHCN stations 1990-1993 – roughly 63 % of all stations were “dropped”. Oddly enough many of them in cold places – Hmmm? Now the number of GHCN stations is back at the same numbers as in 1890.

Also remember that the US stations are now nearly a third of the all GHCN world stations.

So here are the trends:

US temperature October 1900-2011

The trend for 1900 to 2011 is 0.03 F / Decade

US temperature October 1980-2011

The trend for 1980 to 2011 is 0.39 F / Decade

US temperature October 1990-2011

The trend for 1990 to 2011 is 0.16 F / Decade

US temperature October 2000-2011

The trend for 2000 to 2011 is – 0.20 F / Decade

And as I said in the beginningalways remember that these figures are based on the official data that has been tweaked, “adjusted” and manipulated to fit their agenda (cool the past, ignore UHI and land use change factors, huge smoothing radius – 1200km etc.)..

So the “warming trend” 2000-2011 for October is exactly – 0.20 F degrees a decade.  That is a – 2.0 F COOLER in 100 years. Take cover!

Noticing the “accelerated warming” trend??

According to the computer models that the Global Warming Hysterics love so much, worship and blindly follows (especially our intelligent politicians), it should be EXACTLY the opposite.

And we are supposed to be very worried about a predicted rise of 3-4 F?

But not this ACTUAL trend?

And for this predicted trend the politicians want to take our societies back to the Stone Age. But, as usual, they DO NOTHING about the actual trend.

Even worse, “our” politicians, “scientists”, journalists” and the mainstream medias attitude is: Move on, NOTHING to see here.

As I have been saying all along, it has always been a political agenda – anti human, anti freedom, anti development and anti capitalism. And this Global Warming Hysteria is part of that agenda. It has nothing to do with science, facts or saving the environment or the Earth.

All of this, as always, paid by us, the common people, in the form of taxes, high energy costs and reducing our living standard back to the Stone Age.

So to summarize this evidence of Octobers ”accelerated warming” trend:

The October trend 1980-2011 is exactly 0.39 F degrees a decade.

The October trend 1990-2011 is exactly 0.16 F degrees a decade.

The October trend 2000-2011 is exactly 0.20 F degrees a decade.

Another brilliant and glorious example of RAPID WARMING and an eminent treat to humankind! Especially during the last 31 years.

That is truly “Global Warming” US style.

An interesting ”science” wouldn’t you say.

This is the “stuff” that “Global Warming” is made of.

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Climate Gate round two

22 november, 2011 has released another batch of 5,000 additional emails from the same Poole as those released two years ago in November 2009 witch become known as Climatgate.

I first appeared as a comment in this post:

“foia says:

November 22, 2011at9:28 am

I made a LOOOT of post regarding that (see the archives, Climate Gate – All the manipulations and lies revealed 1 to 368)

And the reason as FOIA 2011 puts it is spot on:

Over 2.5 billion people live on less than $2 a day. Every day nearly 16.000 children die from hunger and related causes. One dollar can save a life— the opposite must also be true.

 Poverty is a death sentence.

Nations must invest $37 trillion in energy technologies by 2030 to stabilize
greenhouse gas emissions at sustainable levels.”

Today’s decisions should be based on all the information we can get, not on hiding the decline.”

(See among other my posts:

Global Warming Hysterics – Get out of Africa Now! Or The curse of environmentalism


 THE ENVIRONMENTALIST CREED – Anti human, anti scientific, anti technology!

World’s Scariest Words: ‘I’m an Environmentalist and I’m Here to Help’

The Best way to reduce CO2 emissions? – Civil War, Dictators, Political oppression and TOTAL poverty for the people!

The blatant hypocrisy from the UN pack and their jet set allies

How They, the Politicians, Are Turning Off the Lights in America AND Europe

Some comments so far:

Uh oh, global warming loons: here comes Climategate II!

“Breaking news: two years after the Climategate, a further batch of emails has been leaked onto the internet by a person – or persons – unknown. And as before, they show the ”scientists” at the heart of the Man-Made Global Warming industry in a most unflattering light. Michael Mann, Phil Jones, Ben Santer, Tom Wigley, Kevin Trenberth, Keith Briffa – all your favourite Climategate characters are here, once again caught red-handed in a series of emails exaggerating the extent of Anthropogenic Global Warming, while privately admitting to one another that the evidence is nowhere near as a strong as they’d like it to be.

In other words, what these emails confirm is that the great man-made global warming scare is not about science but about political activism. This, it seems, is what motivated the whistleblower ‘FOIA 2011’ (or ”thief”, as the usual suspects at RealClimate will no doubt prefer to tar him or her) to go public.”

“FOIA 2011 is right, of course. If you’re going to bomb the global economy back to the dark ages with environmental tax and regulation, if you’re going to favour costly, landscape-blighting, inefficient renewables over real, abundant, relatively cheap energy that works like shale gas and oil, if you’re going to cause food riots and starvation in the developing world by giving over farmland (and rainforests) to biofuel production, then at the very least you it owe to the world to base your policies on sound, transparent, evidence-based science rather than on the politicised, disingenuous junk churned out by the charlatans at the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).”

Climategate 2.0

Breaking news: FOIA 2011 has arrived !

Climategate II?

” Can’t see what the fuss is about, meself … just another 5,000 e-mails showing the climate science ”community” committing collective suicide – nothing a few ”independent” scientific inquiries and a BBC documentary can’t fix … hide the recline, so to speak.”

Climategate 2.0

New Climategate Emails

“The emails appear to be genuine, but this has yet to be confirmed by theUniversityofEast Anglia. One of the emailers, the climate scientist Prof Michael Mann, has confirmed that he believes they are his messages.”

The file is here



Now the new emails are searchable in a database. It took less than a day through volunteer work by independent bloggers. That’s why the political elite, politicians, the mainstream media (old media) and so called scientists; in the end don’t have a change to hide the truth. And to continue to drive their political agenda and manipulations even if they have all the money in the world.  

Which they have, it is we, the taxpayers that is forced to finance this giant scam. And it is we, the common people that have to pay two/three times for the “pleasure” of watching our politicians reducing our living standard back to the Stone Age.

They also have the backing of the big corporations, including ironically BIG Oil.

That’s why this fight for truth, real data and real science, and freedom is taking so long. They are not going to voluntarily give up all this power and money.


Climategate 2 | FOIA 2011 Searchable

And here is a very good description of the reactions of the above mentioned elites when confronted with all these lies and manipulations from James Delingpole.

Climategate 2.0: the Warmists’ seven stages of grief

”Climategate 2.0 – the gift that goes on giving. And you know how good it is from the reaction of the trolls. They’re going mental. On the one hand they’d like to insist it’s a non-story. On the other hand, the more shrilly they shriek it’s a non-story the more evident it becomes just what a great story it is.

Here’s an amusing analysis of the warmist trolls’ various lines of defence, which I picked up from the comments at Watts Up With That: (I wd give a hat tip except I’ve gone and lost the bit: if anyone can re-find it for me let me know)

Stage 1: they aren’t real emails

Stage 2: they are real emails but they aren’t in context

Stage 3: they are in context, but that’s how scientists work

Stage 4: ok, this isn’t really science, but you guys stole the emails!

Stage 5: this is old stuff

Stage 6: this is nothing

Stage 7: look everyone! Winter storm! See, we have proof of our theories now.

Repeat as needed”


Update  Two:

You just have to love the free spirit, the dedication and ingeniousness of the bloggers. Now EcoGuy has maid the emails from Climate Gate 1 and 2 searchable in the same database.


Welcome to the ClimateGate FOIA Grepper !!!


Update Three:

Buffy Minton has done some good work to extract file attachments with the emails.   This was never done for the original climate gate files.

Here’s are the decoded Mime attachments to the Climate Gate 2011 emails

And the same Buffy Minton has produced a spreadsheet of Climate Gate 1 and 2 emails in chronological order.  An excellent tool to follow the conversations in the emails.

xls (Office 2000, 2003)

xlsx (Office 2007 and later)

And you have all the emails in order and in txt format here:

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October U.S. Temperature – The trend is 0.03 deg F / Decade

21 november, 2011

The official October temperature figures are out. And it is down quite much compared with October last year – 1.01 F.

And remember, these are the official figures. With the poor placement of stations (91 % of the stations are CRN 3 to 5 = bad to very poor); where they have purposely taken away the urban heat island effect, use huge smoothing radius, the historical “adjustment and tweaking” to cool the past etc.

Not to mention the great slaughter of GHCN stations 1990-1993 – roughly 63 % of all stations were “dropped”. Oddly enough many of them in cold places – Hmmm? Now the number of GHCN stations is back at the same numbers as in 1890.

Also remember that the US stations are now nearly a third of the all GHCN world stations.

For the September figures see my post:

September U.S. Temperature – The trend is 0.07 deg F / Decade

For the August figures see my post:

August U.S. Temperature – The trend is 0.12 deg F / Decade

October 2011 departure from normal temperature

And as I said in the beginningalways remember that these figures are based on the official data that has been tweaked, “adjusted” and manipulated to fit their agenda (cool the past, ignore UHI and land use change factors, huge smoothing radius – 1200km etc.)..

October temperature 1900-2011

“The average temperature in October 2011 was 55.7 F. This was 0.9 F warmer than the 1901-2000 (20th century) average, the 33rd warmest October in 117 years. The temperature trend for the period of record (1895 to present) is 0.1 degrees Fahrenheit per decade. “

And the “warming trend” 1900-2011 is exactly 0.03 F degrees a decade. That is a whopping 0.3 F warmer in 100 years. The sweat is really breaking out! Put on the AC!

And as usual there are some wild swings from year to year. Which humankind somehow mysteriously survived without any catastrophe.

Notice the dramatic drop from 1924 to 1925. A drop of 6.21 F degrees

And the dramatic rise from 1925 to 1926. A rise of  6.11 F degrees.

A total change of a whopping 12.32 F degrees in two years. Talking about a temperature roller coaster.

And notice the dramatic rise from 1946 to 1947. A rise of  5.59 F degrees.

And the dramatic drop from 1947 to 1948. A drop of 5.6 F degrees.

Another temperature roller coaster that we somehow survived. A total change of a whopping 11.19 F degrees in two years.

That’s what I call RAPID WARMING and COOLING and an eminent treat to humankind! 

And according to the “science” and “logic” of the Global Warming Hysterics humankind would have been killed 3 times over during these years. Especially in North America.

And we all know what happened – USA ceased to exist because of this catastrophic rises and drop in temperature.

Except it didn’t – nothing happened. Everything went on as normal.

There are other years in the chart when the temperature increases/dropped 5 – 6 F in one year. And still, somehow mysteriously, USA went on as normal.

So a “predicted” rise of 3- 4 F degrees in 100 years is a total catastrophe for humankind.

But an ACTUAL RISE OF 6.11 F degrees IN ONE YEAR is nothing.

And an ACTUAL CHANGE OF 12.32 F degrees in two years is also nothing to bother about. Move on, NOTHING to see here.

So we can easily survive an actual change of temperature of 12.32 F degrees in two years. But a “predicted”, (by these “eminent” Global Warming Hysteric “scientists” and their models which cannot predict the weather one week from now), rise of 3- 4 F degrees in 100 years is a total catastrophe for humankind.

Interesting ”science” wouldn’t you say.

This is the “stuff” that “Global Warming” is made of.

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Part 4: Recent 9 Months U.S. Regional Temperature trend/decade – It is getting cooler and cooler

9 november, 2011

And the cooling continues. Even on a regional level. Sorry – I mean that Global Warming is an imminent treat to humankind everywhere. Move on, NOTHING to see here.

Here is the last part of my regional analysis of the recent 9 months (year to date, January-September) US temperature from a regional perspective.

I wanted to see how the national trend is, or is not, mimicked in the 9 US climate regions. And how these regional decade trends have evolved during the last 111 years.

Especially to see how the decade trends have evolved during the last 41 years. The period that according to the Global Warming Hysterics and computer models they worship should show a steady and accelerated increase in temperature.

I don’t know about you, but I consider a 9 month consecutive month trend 111 years long to be a “quit good” indicator.

And since the October temperature data are just out today I will do a quick comparison between the 10 months (year to date, January-October) data and compare it with the 9 months data.

Part 1 here:

Part 1: Recent 9 Months U.S. Regional Temperature trend/decade – It is getting cooler and cooler

Part 2 here:

Part 2: Recent 9 Months U.S. Regional Temperature trend/decade – It is getting cooler and cooler

Part 3 here:

Part 3: Recent 9 Months U.S. Regional Temperature trend/decade – It is getting cooler and cooler

And as I always point out:

Remember, these are the official figures. With the poor placement of stations (91 % of the stations are CRN 3 to 5 = bad to very poor); where they have purposely taken away the urban heat island effect, use huge smoothing radius, the historical “adjustment and tweaking” to cool the past etc.

Not to mention the great slaughter of GHCN stations 1990-1993 – roughly 63 % of all stations were “dropped”. Oddly enough many of them in cold places – Hmmm? Now the number of GHCN stations is back at the same numbers as in 1890.

Also remember that the US stations are now nearly a third of the all GHCN world stations.

So to summarize this evidence of this US regional “accelerated warming” trend:

                               North West (WA, OR and ID)

The recent 9 months (Jan-Sep) trend for 1900 to 2011 is 0.11 F / Decade

The trend for 2000 to 2011 is 1.39 F / Decade

                                        West (CA and NV)

The recent 9 months (Jan-Sep) trend for 1900 to 2011 is 0.16 F / Decade

The trend for 2000 to 2011 is – 1.38 F / Decade

                    West North Central (MT, NE, ND, SD and WY)

The recent 9 months (Jan-Sep) trend for 1900 to 2011 is 0.19 F / Decade

The trend for 2000 to 2011 is – 2.08 F / Decade

                           Southwest (AZ, CO, NM and UT)

The recent 9 months (Jan-Sep) trend for 1900 to 2011 is 0.18 F / Decade

The trend for 2000 to 2011 is 1.84 F / Decade

South (AR, LA, KS, MS, OK and TX)

The recent 9 months (Jan-Sep) trend for 1900 to 2011 is 0.01 F / Decade

The trend for 2000 to 2011 is – 0.19 F / Decade

East North Central (IA, MI, MN and WI)

The recent 9 months (Jan-Sep) trend for 1900 to 2011 is 0.11 F / Decade

The trend for 2000 to 2011 is – 1.05 F / Decade

                     Central (IL, IN, KY, MO, OH, TN and WV)

The recent 9 months (Jan-Sep) trend for 1900 to 2011 is 0.02 F / Decade

The trend for 2000 to 2011 is – 0.33 F / Decade

Southeast (AL, FL, GA, NC, SC and VA)

The recent 9 months (Jan-Sep) trend for 1900 to 2011 is – 0.03 F / Decade

The trend for 2000 to 2011 is 0.26 F / Decade

Northeast (CR, DE, ME, MD, MA, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI and VT)

The recent 9 months (Jan-Sep) trend for 1900 to 2011 is 0.09 F / Decade

The trend for 2000 to 2011 is 0.83 F / Decade

And as I said in the beginningalways remember that these figures are based on the official data that has been tweaked, “adjusted” and manipulated to fit their agenda (cool the past, ignore UHI and land use change factors, huge smoothing radius – 1200km etc.)..

Do you notice the “accelerated warming” trend from 1970-2011 to 2000-2011??

And this is also the decade that the Global Warming Hysterics have been screaming at the top of their lungs, trying to scare us to death, about the catastrophic treat that the “extreme increase” in temperature is to mankind and earth.

As I said in the beginning the temperature data for October is just out today so I thought it would be really interesting to compare the new 10 month consecutive month trend for 111 years to the 9 month data in my posts.

So here is a quick comparison for the Trend/Decade for 1900-2011 (and this time I spare you all the graphs OK):

                             North West (WA, OR and ID)

The recent 10 months (Jan-Oct) trend for 1900 to 2011 is 0.11 F / Decade

The difference to the 9 months data is – 0.02 F COOLER

                                      West (CA and NV)

The recent 10 months (Jan-Oct) trend for 1900 to 2011 is 0.16 F / Decade

The difference to the 9 months data is none, it is the same.

               West North Central (MT, NE, ND, SD and WY)

The recent 10 months (Jan-Oct) trend for 1900 to 2011 is 0.17 F / Decade

The difference to the 9 months data is – 0.02 F COOLER

                         Southwest (AZ, CO, NM and UT)

The recent 10 months (Jan-Oct) trend for 1900 to 2011 is 0.17 F / Decade

The difference to the 9 months data is – 0.01 F COOLER

                         South (AR, LA, KS, MS, OK and TX)

The recent 10 months (Jan-Oct) trend for 1900 to 2011 is 0.01 F / Decade

The difference to the 9 months data is none, it is the same.

                    East North Central (IA, MI, MN and WI)

The recent 10 months (Jan-Oct) trend for 1900 to 2011 is 0.09 F / Decade

The difference to the 9 months data is – 0.02 F COOLER

                    Central (IL, IN, KY, MO, OH, TN and WV)

The recent 10 months (Jan-Oct) trend for 1900 to 2011 is 0.00 F / Decade

The difference to the 9 months data is – 0.02 F COOLER

                        Southeast (AL, FL, GA, NC, SC and VA)

The recent 10 months (Jan-Oct) trend for 1900 to 2011 is – 0.04 F / Decade

The difference to the 9 months data is 0.01 F COOLER

   Northeast (CR, DE, ME, MD, MA, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI and VT)

The recent 10 months (Jan-Oct) trend for 1900 to 2011 is 0.07 F / Decade

The difference to the 9 months data is – 0.02 F COOLER

And remember that this is the whole 10 month consecutive temperature Trend/ Decade for 111 years.

I don’t know about you, but I consider this 10 month consecutive month trend 111 years long to be a “quit good” indicator.

And what was the difference between the 9 and 10 month Trend/Decade?

In 7 regions the COOLING increased and in 2 they stayed the same.

According to the computer models that the Global Warming Hysterics love so much, worship and blindly follows (especially our intelligent politicians), it should be EXACTLY the opposite.

And we are supposed to be very worried about a predicted rise of 3-4 F in 100 years?

But not this ACTUAL trend?

And for this predicted trend the politicians want to take our societies back to the Stone Age. But, as usual, they DO NOTHING about the actual trend.

And remember that there where two regions that had some warming during 2000-2011 (SE and NE). And that in reality it was a few states that were behind this warming in each region?

So I could not help myself but to include the new data for 2000-2011 (and I could not resist the graphs either):

                    Southeast (AL, FL, GA, NC, SC and VA)

The recent 10 months (Jan-Oct) trend for 2000 to 2011 is 0.15 F / Decade

The difference to the 9 months data is – 0.11 F COOLER

   Northeast (CR, DE, ME, MD, MA, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI and VT)

The recent 10 months (Jan-Oct) trend for 2000 to 2011 is 0.80 F / Decade

The difference to the 9 months data is – 0.03 F COOLER

So the only two regions that had some warming during 2000-2011 are COOLING too.

So the “warming” trend is really accelerating wouldn’t you say.

Some more “rapid warming” like this and the freezer looks really comfortable and warm.

Another brilliant and glorious example of RAPID WARMING and an eminent treat to humankind! Especially during the last 41 years.

That is truly “Global Warming” on a regional US style.

An interesting ”science” wouldn’t you say.

This is the “stuff” that “Global Warming” is made of.

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Part 3: Recent 9 Months U.S. Regional Temperature trend/decade – It is getting cooler and cooler

8 november, 2011

And the cooling continues. Even on a regional level. Sorry – I mean that Global Warming is an imminent treat to humankind everywhere. Move on, NOTHING to see here.

Here is the third  part of my regional analysis of the recent 9 months (year to date, January-September) US temperature from a regional perspective.

To see how the national trend is, or is not, mimicked in the 9 US climate regions. And how these regional decade trends have evolved during the last 111 years.

Especially to see how the decade trends have evolved during the last 41 years. The period that according to the Global Warming Hysterics and computer models they worship should show a steady and accelerated increase in temperature.

Part 1 here:

Part 1: Recent 9 Months U.S. Regional Temperature trend/decade – It is getting cooler and cooler

Part 2 here:

Part 2: Recent 9 Months U.S. Regional Temperature trend/decade – It is getting cooler and cooler

And as I always point out:

Remember, these are the official figures. With the poor placement of stations (91 % of the stations are CRN 3 to 5 = bad to very poor); where they have purposely taken away the urban heat island effect, use huge smoothing radius, the historical “adjustment and tweaking” to cool the past etc.

Not to mention the great slaughter of GHCN stations 1990-1993 – roughly 63 % of all stations were “dropped”. Oddly enough many of them in cold places – Hmmm? Now the number of GHCN stations is back at the same numbers as in 1890.

Also remember that theUSstations are now nearly a third of the all GHCN world stations.

So here are the trends for the third and last three regions:

                     Central (IL, IN, KY, MO, OH, TN and WV)

Central temperature recent 9 months (Jan-Sep) 1900-2011

The trend for 1900 to 2011 is 0.02 F / Decade

Central temperature recent 9 months (Jan- Sep) 1970-2011

The trend for 1970 to 2011 is 0.40 F / Decade

Central temperature recent 9 months (Jan- Sep) 1980-2011

The trend for 1980 to 2011 is 0.36 F / Decade

Central temperature recent 9 months (Jan- Sep) 1990-2011

The trend for 1990 to 2011 is 0.16 F / Decade

Central temperature recent 9 months (Jan- Sep) 2000-2011

The trend for 2000 to 2011 is – 0.33 F / Decade

                  Southeast (AL, FL, GA, NC, SC and VA)

Southeast temperature recent 9 months (Jan-Sep) 1900-2011

The trend for 1900 to 2011 is – 0.03 F / Decade

Southeast temperature recent 9 months (Jan- Sep) 1970-2011

The trend for 1970 to 2011 is 0.32 F / Decade

Southeast temperature recent 9 months (Jan- Sep) 1980-2011

The trend for 1980 to 2011 is 0.35 F / Decade

Southeast temperature recent 9 months (Jan- Sep) 1990-2011

The trend for 1990 to 2011 is – 0.03 F / Decade

Southeast temperature recent 9 months (Jan- Sep) 2000-2011

The trend for 2000 to 2011 is 0.26 F / Decade

    Northeast (CR, DE, ME, MD, MA, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI and VT)

Northeast temperature recent 9 months (Jan-Sep) 1900-2011

The trend for 1900 to 2011 is 0.09 F / Decade

Northeast temperature recent 9 months (Jan- Sep) 1970-2011

The trend for 1970 to 2011 is 0.41 F / Decade

Northeast temperature recent 9 months (Jan- Sep) 1980-2011

The trend for 1980 to 2011 is 0.43 F / Decade

Northeast temperature recent 9 months (Jan- Sep) 1990-2011

The trend for 1990 to 2011 is 0.39 F / Decade

Northeast temperature recent 9 months (Jan- Sep) 2000-2011

The trend for 2000 to 2011 is 0.83 F / Decade

And as I said in the beginningalways remember that these figures are based on the official data that has been tweaked, “adjusted” and manipulated to fit their agenda (cool the past, ignore UHI and land use change factors, huge smoothing radius – 1200km etc.).

As you can see this is a more mixed result, some cooling and some warming.

If we look at the 6 states in the Southeast region, it is only Virginia and to some part South Carolina that drives this value for the whole region. Florida for example has – 0.19 F trend/decade for the same period (2000-2011). And interestingly the trend for the last 111 years (1900 to 2011) is 0.03 F / Decade for the whole region.

Also notice the swings between decades: 1980 to 2011 is 0.35 F, 1990 to 2011 is – 0.03 F and 2000 to 2011 is 0.26 F.

And if we look at the 9 states in the Northeast region it is in reality only four states that drive that temperature for the whole region – ME, DE, NJ and VT. For example New Hampshire, between Maine and Vermont does not have even half the value of the neighboring states.

Remember that NOAA /NCDC determined these 9 climate regions because they are:

“nine climatically consistent regions within the contiguous United States”.

There is not supposed to be wild swings and huge differencies in temperature trend/decade just because you pass to the neighbouring state a few a miles away. We are not talking about diffrence in temperatur over the day or week here, but temperature trend/decade within miles of each other.

Another reason to be “confident” in the “sience” behind the Global Warmin Hysteria wouldn’t you say?

But it is an interesting observation none the less.

And these states are geographically very small so I suspect that these huge differences within the same region (and between neighboring states) has more to do with the placement of stations, the urban heat island effect etc.

So the “warming trend” 2000-2011 is exactly – 0.33 F, 0.26 F and 0.83 F degrees COOLER and warmer a decade for these 3 regions.  That is a – 3.3 F, 2.6 F and 8.3 F COOLER and warmer in 100 years.

And this is also the decade that the Global Warming Hysterics have been screaming at the top of their lungs, trying to scare us to death, about the catastrophic treat that the “extreme increase” in temperature is to mankind and earth.

According to the computer models that the Global Warming Hysterics love so much, worship and blindly follows (especially our intelligent politicians), it should be EXACTLY the opposite.

So to summarize this evidence of this “accelerated warming” trend:

The Central recent 9 months trend 2000 -2011 is exactly – 0.33 F degrees a decade.

The Southeast recent 9 months trend 2000 -2011 is exactly 0.26 F degrees a decade.

The Northeast recent 9 months trend 2000-2011 is exactly 0.83 F degrees a decade.

So the “warming” trend is really accelerating wouldn’t you say.

Some more “rapid warming” like this and the freezer looks really comfortable and warm.

Another brilliant and glorious example of RAPID WARMING and an eminent treat to humankind! Especially during the last 41 years.

That is truly “Global Warming” on a regional US style.

An interesting ”science” wouldn’t you say.

This is the “stuff” that “Global Warming” is made of.

Tomorrow the last part.

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Part 2: Recent 9 Months U.S. Regional Temperature trend/decade – It is getting cooler and cooler

7 november, 2011

And the cooling continues. Even on a regional level. Sorry – I mean that Global Warming is an imminent treat to humankind everywhere. Move on, NOTHING to see here.

Here is the second part of my regional analysis of the recent 9 months (year to date, January-September) US temperature from a regional perspective.

To see how the national trend is, or is not, mimicked in the 9 US climate regions. And how these regional decade trends have evolved during the last 111 years.

Especially to see how the decade trends have evolved during the last 41 years. The period that according to the Global Warming Hysterics and computer models they worship should show a steady and accelerated increase in temperature.

Part 1 here:

Part 1: Recent 9 Months U.S. Regional Temperature trend/decade – It is getting cooler and cooler

And as I always point out:

Remember, these are the official figures. With the poor placement of stations (91 % of the stations are CRN 3 to 5 = bad to very poor); where they have purposely taken away the urban heat island effect, use huge smoothing radius, the historical “adjustment and tweaking” to cool the past etc.

Not to mention the great slaughter of GHCN stations 1990-1993 – roughly 63 % of all stations were “dropped”. Oddly enough many of them in cold places – Hmmm? Now the number of GHCN stations is back at the same numbers as in 1890.

Also remember that the US stations are now nearly a third of the all GHCN world stations.

So here are the trends for the second three regions:

                             Southwest (AZ, CO, NM and UT)

Southwest temperature recent 9 months (Jan-Sep) 1900-2011

The trend for 1900 to 2011 is 0.18 F / Decade

Southwest temperature recent 9 months (Jan- Sep) 1970-2011

The trend for 1970 to 2011 is 0.64 F / Decade

Southwest temperature recent 9 months (Jan- Sep) 1980-2011

The trend for 1980 to 2011 is 0.47 F / Decade

Southwest temperature recent 9 months (Jan- Sep) 1990-2011

The trend for 1990 to 2011 is 0.27 F / Decade

Southwest temperature recent 9 months (Jan- Sep) 2000-2011

The trend for 2000 to 2011 is – 1.84 F / Decade

                     South (AR, LA, KS, MS, OK and TX)

South temperature recent 9 months (Jan-Sep) 1900-2011

The trend for 1900 to 2011 is 0.01 F / Decade

South temperature recent 9 months (Jan- Sep) 1970-2011

The trend for 1970 to 2011 is 0.42 F / Decade

South temperature recent 9 months (Jan- Sep) 1980-2011

The trend for 1980 to 2011 is 0.39 F / Decade

South temperature recent 9 months (Jan- Sep) 1990-2011

The trend for 1990 to 2011 is 0.35 F / Decade

South temperature recent 9 months (Jan- Sep) 2000-2011

The trend for 2000 to 2011 is – 0.19 F / Decade

                    East North Central (IA, MI, MN and WI)

East North Central temperature recent 9 months (Jan-Sep) 1900-2011

The trend for 1900 to 2011 is 0.11 F / Decade

East North Central temperature recent 9 months (Jan- Sep) 1970-2011

The trend for 1970 to 2011 is 0.41 F / Decade

East North Central temperature recent 9 months (Jan- Sep) 1980-2011

The trend for 1980 to 2011 is 0.06 F / Decade

East North Central temperature recent 9 months (Jan- Sep) 1990-2011

The trend for 1990 to 2011 is 0.14 F / Decade

East North Central temperature recent 9 months (Jan- Sep) 2000-2011

The trend for 2000 to 2011 is – 1.05 F / Decade

And as I said in the beginningalways remember that these figures are based on the official data that has been tweaked, “adjusted” and manipulated to fit their agenda (cool the past, ignore UHI and land use change factors, huge smoothing radius – 1200km etc.)..

Do you notice the “accelerated warming” trend from 1970-2011 to 2000-2011??

So the “warming trend” 2000-2011 is exactly – 1.84 F, – 0.19 F and – 1.05 F degrees COOLER a decade for these 3 regions.  That is a whopping – 18.4 F, – 1.9 F and– 10.5 F COOLER in 100 years. The freezer next!

And this is also the decade that the Global Warming Hysterics have been screaming at the top of their lungs, trying to scare us to death, about the catastrophic treat that the “extreme increase” in temperature is to mankind and earth.

According to the computer models that the Global Warming Hysterics love so much, worship and blindly follows (especially our intelligent politicians), it should be EXACTLY the opposite.

And we are supposed to be very worried about a predicted rise of 3-4 F in 100 years?

But not this ACTUAL trend?

And for this predicted trend the politicians want to take our societies back to the Stone Age. But, as usual, they DO NOTHING about the actual trend.

So to summarize this evidence of this “accelerated warming” trend:

The Southwest recent 9 months trend 2000 -2011 is exactly – 1.84 F degrees a decade.

The South recent 9 months trend 2000 -2011 is exactly – 0.19 F degrees a decade.

The East North Central recent 9 months trend 2000-2011 is exactly – 1.05 F degrees a decade.

So the “warming” trend is really accelerating wouldn’t you say.

Some more “rapid warming” like this and the freezer looks really comfortable and warm.

Another brilliant and glorious example of RAPID WARMING and an eminent treat to humankind! Especially during the last 41 years.

That is truly “Global Warming” on a regionalUSstyle.

An interesting ”science” wouldn’t you say.

This is the “stuff” that “Global Warming” is made of.

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Part 1: Recent 9 Months U.S. Regional Temperature trend/decade – It is getting cooler and cooler

6 november, 2011

And the cooling continues. Even on a regional level. Sorry – I mean that Global Warming is an imminent treat to humankind everywhere.

As a complement to my previous post Recent 9 Months U.S. Temperature trend/decade – 7.8 F COOLER in 100 years, and while waiting for the October figures, I thought it also would be interesting to look at the recent 9 months (year to date, January-September) US temperature from a regional perspective. To see how the national trend is, or is not, mimicked in the 9 US climate regions. And how these regional decade trends have evolved during the last 111 years.

Especially to see how the decade trends have evolved during the last 41 years. The period that according to the Global Warming Hysterics and computer models they worship should show a steady and accelerated increase in temperature.

I don’t know about you, but I consider a 9 month consecutive month trend 111 years long to be a “quit good” indicator.

And as I always point out:

Remember, these are the official figures. With the poor placement of stations (91 % of the stations are CRN 3 to 5 = bad to very poor); where they have purposely taken away the urban heat island effect, use huge smoothing radius, the historical “adjustment and tweaking” to cool the past etc.

Not to mention the great slaughter of GHCN stations 1990-1993 – roughly 63 % of all stations were “dropped”. Oddly enough many of them in cold places – Hmmm? Now the number of GHCN stations is back at the same numbers as in 1890.

Also remember that theUSstations are now nearly a third of the all GHCN world stations.

NOAA and  NCDC define the 9 US regions like this:

“Through climate analysis, National Climatic Data Center scientists have identified nine climatically consistent regions within the contiguous United States which are useful for putting current climate anomalies into a historical perspective (Karl and Koss, 1984).”

So here are the trends for the first three regions:

                               North West (WA, OR and ID)

 North West temperature recent 9 months (Jan-Sep) 1900-2011

The trend for 1900 to 2011 is 0.13 F / Decade

North West temperature recent 9 months (Jan- Sep) 1970-2011

The trend for 1970 to 2011 is 0.41 F / Decade

North West temperature recent 9 months (Jan- Sep) 1980-2011

The trend for 1980 to 2011 is 0.24 F / Decade

North West temperature recent 9 months (Jan- Sep) 1990-2011

The trend for 1990 to 2011 is – 0.41 F / Decade

North West temperature recent 9 months (Jan- Sep) 2000-2011

The trend for 2000 to 2011 is 1.39 F / Decade

West (CA and NV)

West temperature recent 9 months (Jan-Sep) 1900-2011

The trend for 1900 to 2011 is 0.16 F / Decade

West temperature recent 9 months (Jan- Sep) 1970-2011

The trend for 1970 to 2011 is 0.39 F / Decade

West temperature recent 9 months (Jan- Sep) 1980-2011

The trend for 1980 to 2011 is 0.16 F / Decade

West temperature recent 9 months (Jan- Sep) 1990-2011

The trend for 1990 to 2011 is – 0.07 F / Decade

West temperature recent 9 months (Jan- Sep) 2000-2011

The trend for 2000 to 2011 is – 1.38 F / Decade

West North Central (MT, NE, ND, SD and WY)

West North Central temperature recent 9 months (Jan-Sep) 1900-2011

The trend for 1900 to 2011 is 0.19 F / Decade

West North Central temperature recent 9 months (Jan- Sep) 1970-2011

The trend for 1970 to 2011 is 0.30 F / Decade

West North Central temperature recent 9 months (Jan- Sep) 1980-2011

The trend for 1980 to 2011 is – 0.11 F / Decade

West North Central temperature recent 9 months (Jan- Sep) 1990-2011

The trend for 1990 to 2011 is – 0.21 F / Decade

West North Central temperature recent 9 months (Jan- Sep) 2000-2011

The trend for 2000 to 2011 is – 2.08 F / Decade

And as I said in the beginningalways remember that these figures are based on the official data that has been tweaked, “adjusted” and manipulated to fit their agenda (cool the past, ignore UHI and land use change factors, huge smoothing radius – 1200km etc.)..

Do you notice the “accelerated warming” trend from 1970-2011 to 2000-2011??

So the “warming trend” 2000-2011 is exactly – 2.08 F, – 1.38 F and – 1.39 F degrees COOLER a decade for these 3 regions.  That is a whopping – 20.8 F, – 13.8 F and – 13.9 F COOLER in 100 years. The DEEP freezer next!

And this is also the decade that the Global Warming Hysterics have been screaming at the top of their lungs, trying to scare us to death, about the catastrophic treat that the “extreme increase” in temperature is to mankind and earth.

This is a perfect example of what I have been saying all along, it has always been a political agenda – anti human, anti freedom, anti development and anti capitalism. And this Global Warming Hysteria is part of that agenda. It has nothing to do with science, facts or saving the environment or the Earth.

All of this, as always, paid by us, the common people, in the form of taxes, high energy costs and reducing our living standard back to the Stone Age.

And all of this to “save” the Earth from a “catastrophic warming” when it is actually cooling.

And the most absurd thing is that all the things that the “intelligent” politicians and the so called “scientists”, with the willing help of mainstream media, have forced through at EXTREME cost to us, are actually helping to accelerate the cooling.

Talking about an eminent treat to humankind!

According to the computer models that the Global Warming Hysterics love so much, worship and blindly follows (especially our intelligent politicians), it should be EXACTLY the opposite.

And we are supposed to be very worried about a predicted rise of 3-4 F in 100 years?

But not this ACTUAL trend?

And for this predicted trend the politicians want to take our societies back to the Stone Age. But, as usual, they DO NOTHING about the actual trend.

So to summarize this evidence of this “accelerated warming” trend:

The North West recent 9 months trend 2000 -2011 is exactly – 1.39 F degrees a decade.

The West recent 9 months trend 2000 -2011 is exactly – 1.38 F degrees a decade.

The West North Central recent 9 months trend 2000-2011 is exactly – 2.08 F degrees a decade.

So the “warming” trend is really accelerating wouldn’t you say.

Some more “rapid warming” like this and the freezer looks really, really warm.

Another brilliant and glorious example of RAPID WARMING and an eminent treat to humankind! Especially during the last 41 years.

That is truly “Global Warming” on a regional US style.

An interesting ”science” wouldn’t you say.

This is the “stuff” that “Global Warming” is made of.

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